I want to satisfy my Computing degree requirements in some non-standard way (for example, course substitutions or exemptions). How I do to get permission?
Send an e-mail to the Undergraduate Chair with the following information:
- your full name (as registered)
- your Queen's e-mail address (e.g., 5jb24@queensu.ca)
- your student number
- your plan (e.g., SODE-P-BCH)
- the plan requirement (for which an exception is requested; e.g., 2.A.i.f.)
- the course(s) (intended to satisfy the requirement; e.g., PHIL 154/3.0)
- are you registered in the course (or have you taken the course)? (yes/no)
Descriptions of all Computing plans are available. If you're not currently active in the plan, the exception cannot be approved.
If the requirement is one of the "writing" requirements for SODE (2.A.i.f or 2.A.ii.f), you must also send the marking scheme for the course. The course content is irrelevant, but at least 50% of the final grade must be based on essays.
If the Chair approves and you have already taken (or at least registered for) the course(s), he or she will send Arts and Science an e-mail memo, with a copy to you; the exception will then be recorded in your Advisement Report. If you haven't yet registered for the course(s) in question, an exception can't be made immediately but you'll be sent an e-mail message which you should keep and send back to the Undergraduate Chair when you've registered for the course(s).
Can I drop a course after the official drop date?
The School of Computing cannot
Can I appeal an academic decision (e.g., grade on final exam, program admission)?
authorise late withdrawal from courses. You can appeal to the Associate Dean of Studies for permission to drop the course. Contact the Faculty of Arts and Science Office for more information. Your professor may be willing to write a supporting letter.Can I appeal an academic decision (e.g., grade on final exam, program admission)?
Many decisions can be appealed through the Faculty of Arts and Science. The appeal regulations are available in the academic calendar.
Students have the right to see their marked final examination papers. If this informal review is unsatisfactory, the student may submit a formal appeal.
Is it possible to receive an exemption from a required course?
A student can be exempted from taking any required course with the permission of the Chair of Undergraduate Studies. Permission is given if the student can demonstrate knowledge of the material in the course. This is normally done in consultation with instructors of those courses for which the exempted course is a prerequisite. A student that is exempted from a CISC course has to replace it by another CISC course at the same or higher level in order to meet the graduation requirements.
Is it possible to complete the last year of an honours program at another university? I have personal reasons for wanting to do this.
Queen's has quite a strong policy that the last year of an Honours program should be completed at Queen's. We know of only one exception since the late 1990s.