Assistant Professor
PhD Newcastle University 2019 Office: Goodwin 535 Phone: (613) 533-2006 EmailPersonal Website
Sara Nabil is an Assistant Professor at Queens Computing and head of the HCI Design Studio. Sara did her postdoc at the CIL (Creative Interactions Lab) in Carleton University and her PhD at OpenLab in Newcastle University, UK. Her research integrates interior, fashion and product design with interaction design, using seamless soft sensing, e-textiles and smart materials that are malleable, shape-changing or colour-changing. Sara’s work of interactive spaces and wearables has been showcased at a number of exhibitions including ‘Living with Adaptive Architecture’ (Lakeside Arts Gallery Nottingham, UK 2018) and the ‘Persuasive Pharmacy Space’ (London Design Festival, UK 2018). Her background includes both a BSc and MSc in Computing with prior experience as an HCI Lecturer, Interior Designer and Sr. Software Developer.