Rongxing Lu
Rongxing Lu is the Acting Director of Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC), a Mastercard IoT Research Chair, and a full professor at Queen's School of Computing. Before that he was a professor in the Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) at University of New Brunswick(UNB). Before that, he worked as a tenure-track assistant professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore from April 2013 to August 2016.Rongxing Lu worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo from May 2012 to April 2013. He was awarded the most prestigious “Governor General’s Gold Medal”, when he received his PhD degree from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2012; and won the8th IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia Pacific (AP) Outstanding Young Researcher Award, in 2013.Dr. Lu is an IEEE Fellow. His research interests include IoT-Big Data security and privacy, privacy enhancing technologies, and applied cryptography. He has published extensively in his areas of expertise with H-index89 and citations 35,470+ from Google Scholar as of July 2024, and was the recipient of 10 best (student) paper awards from some reputable journals and conferences. Dr. Lu served/ serves as the Chair of 2022-2023 IEEE ComSoc CIS-TC (Communications and Information Security Technical Committee), and the founding Co-chair of IEEE TEMS Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers Technologies Technical Committee (BDLT-TC). Dr. Lu is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2024-2025). Dr. Lu has been a Highly Cited Researcher identified by Clarivate™ and a Top 1000 Computer Scientist identified by Research.com. Also, Dr. Lu is the Winner of 2016-17 and 2023-24 Excellence in Teaching Award in FCS, UNB.