Table of Contents
- General News
- 18-March-2025 - Plan Selection/Change Webinar set for Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
- 25-February-2025 - Modular Degree Framework Approved by Senate - Info Sessions
- 02-January-2025 - 'Requirements Not Met' message when retaking one of your Fall Courses
- 19-November-2024 - Corrections to SODE Degree Requirements Underway: MATH 111 Not Recognized
- 01-August-2024 - 2nd Year Students: MATH 111 Not Being Correctly Allocated in Your APR
- 26-July-2024 - Concerns about Full Courses and Course Restrictions; Delays in Advising
- 26-July-2024 - Prerequisite Charts Updated
- 16-July-2024 - Class Permission to Enroll in CISC 365 in the Fall Term
- 09-July-2024 - MATH 111 Discontinued
- 02-July-2024 - Important Changes to Computing Plans
- 16-November-2023 – Expiry of CIPS Accreditation for SODE and CSCI Specializations
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
- Links and Resources
First posted on July 3rd, 2024 at 11:15 am. Last updated March 20th, 2025 at 2:27 pm
For information about changes from previous years, see the enrolment news archive.
General News
18-March-2025 - Plan Selection/Change Webinar set for Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
The date and time for our annual Plan Selection/Change Webinar has been decided: Wednesday, March 26th from 7:30-8:30 PM EST via Teams. Registration will be required; you can find the link will under Upcoming Events. If you were unable to attend the Modular Degrees Info Session from Arts and Science, explaining what they are and how they work, we recommend viewing the recording before attending our session.
25-February-2025 - Modular Degree Framework Approved by Senate - Info Sessions
View the recording of the Zoom info session about the now-approved Modular Degree Framework being rolled out in the coming academic year (see registration links below under Past Events). The School of Computing will post more information soon about our exciting Computing plan changes, including how they do or don't affect you, how they will be rolled out, and why these changes were made. Watch this space in the coming weeks for more details!
02-January-2025 - 'Requirements Not Met' message when retaking one of your Fall Courses
If you're trying to retake one of your Fall term courses in the Winter term, but you're getting a 'Requirements Not Met' error message, this may be because some course grades have not yet been posted to the roster. So, SOLUS still considers the course "in progress." Once they have been posted, this will "close" the course, allowing you to enroll normally.
19-November-2024 - Corrections to SODE Degree Requirements Underway: MATH 111 Not Recognized
In response to our recent email to 4th and 5th year students, prompting you to do a quick check of your degree requirements on SOLUS (an Academic Progress Report, or APR), many SODE students are noticing that their MATH 111 course is not being counted towards their Linear Algebra requirement. This is a glitch in SOLUS; Arts and Science is aware of the issue and they are currently working on fixing it. You should see this updated soon.
06-September-2024 - 4th & 5th Year Students: 'Missing 3.0 Units' Error in Your APR
Some of you may have noticed that SOLUS is producing an error when you run your APR, saying that you’re 3.0 units short (102.0 units required, 99.0 units used, 3.0 needed) when, in fact, you are not 3.0 units short.
As you are aware, our plans have changed this year. Some of these changes are in the process of being backdated on all our plans, and in the interim, the system is producing errors. We’ve been in touch with Arts and Science about it, and this missing 3.0 units is due to the removal of the Capstone/Internship requirement. This will be changed soon, which should then show: “Satisfied: 99.0 units required, 99.0 units used, 0.0 needed.”
Due to volume, Arts and Science won’t be able to do manual checks for everyone right now. Their recommendation is to apply to graduate between December 1st and 15th and they will guarantee they will review your record before the last day to add a course for Winter 2025.
06-September-2024 - 1st Year Students: Welcome! Orientation Presentation
Welcome to the School of Computing, 1st Year Students! As a follow-up to our presentation at Orientation on September 1st, as promised, the slide deck (PDF) is linked below. This contains helpful resources and contacts, so please have a look through it.
School of Computing - Orientation 2024-25 (PDF)
01-August-2024 - 2nd Year Students: MATH 111 Not Being Correctly Allocated in Your APR
We've become aware of an Academic Progress Report (APR) glitch that affects mainly our 2nd year students (and possibly some students who switched to Computing during Plan Change/Selection). For those of you who took MATH 111 (6.0) in your 1st year for your Linear Algebra requirement, but are now following one of the updated 2024-25 versions of our plans, you may notice that this requirement isn't being satisfied according to the report. Instead, SOLUS is now looking for either MATH 110 or 112.
Rest assured, your MATH 111 credit will indeed satisfy this requirement and it will be corrected on the system soon. However, as we and Arts and Science are prioritizing more pressing matters during course registration, you won't see that change until after registration is over.
26-July-2024 - Concerns about Full Courses and Course Restrictions; Delays in Advising
We are seeing an extremely high volume of advising requests at this time; you may experience significant delays. We're working hard to get back to everyone as quickly as possible.
Many students are running into error messages related to seat restrictions. It will appear that space is still available in courses, but students in our program still can't enroll even though they meet the course requirements. These seat restrictions are temporarily put in place to hold space for students with varying program requirements. For example, space is held in joint CISC-CMPE courses for the CMPE cohort. These restrictions will be lifted on July 31st and anyone on a waitlist is dropped into the course as space permits.
We know that courses are filling up and these seat restrictions are not helping. Please keep trying to add yourself to the waitlists. We are actively monitoring our enrollments. Although we can't promise anything, we are also looking at bumping up the enrollment caps on some of our courses wherever possible to fit as many students in as we can.
Please also keep the following in mind:
- You will have up until September 16th to add or drop courses without financial penalty, so there is still lots of time to make adjustments.
- In the first 3 weeks in January, you will also be able to make changes to your Winter schedule. There is often more movement in the Winter term due to some students not passing their prerequisite courses. In these cases, they are removed from courses with those requirements, leaving room for others who qualify.
- We try to offer an appropriate selection of courses to allow you to complete your degree on time, but if you are approaching graduation and get stuck without any appropriate course options, we may still be able to help. We will work with you and do our best to find a solution that will allow you to graduate on time.
26-July-2024 - Prerequisite Charts Updated
The prerequisite charts for our plans have now been updated and can be found on each plan's page on our website. Navigate to your plan and you can find the thumbnail that links to the PDF on the top right of the page. These charts are helpful tools that show a typical progression through a plan, and can help you determine which courses you should take next.
16-July-2024 - Class Permission to Enroll in CISC 365 in the Fall Term
If you are trying to enroll in CISC 365 in the Fall term, you may get an error message saying that you need class permission to enroll. This is because the Fall term offering of CISC 365 has a reserve for ECE students who require it for their Winter term project course. We allow 4th year Computing students to enroll in the Fall offering if they, too, are doing a Winter term 4th year project course that requires 365. Otherwise - if you are not taking a project in the Winter, and you are not in 4th year - you will need to enroll in the Winter offering.
09-July-2024 - MATH 111 Discontinued
MATH 111 (6.0) has been discontinued in and is no longer included as one of the course options for the mathematics requirements for our updated plans. If you are following an earlier version of a Computing plan, MATH 111 continues to satisfy this requirement if you already have taken it. The only change is that MATH 111 will no longer be available if you still need to complete that part of your plan.
Instead, students should take either MATH 112 (3.0) or MATH 110 (6.0). Either course will satisfy the requirement. If you take MATH 110, 3.0 of its 6.0 units will count towards your elective credits.
MATH 110 is best for those who wish to go into the Computing, Mathematics and Analytics Specialization (COMA) or if they are strong in mathematics. If you enjoy MATH 112 and wish to continue, MATH 212 is its subsequent course.
02-July-2024 - Important Changes to Computing Plans
Some important changes have been made to our plans, most starting September 2024. These changes are now reflected on the 2024-25 Academic Calendar. Incoming 1st year students should refer to these current requirements. Upper-year students who are following previous versions of our plans in Computing can find their plan requirements in the Academic Calendar Archives.

Except for the Software Development Specialization, which remains unaffected, effective immediately, the School of Computing will no longer require students to take 4th year Capstone (project/thesis) courses to complete their Honours degree. Students in the Software Development Specialization (SODE) will still be required to either take CISC 498 or an Internship.
The 3.0 units previously reserved for this Capstone requirement has now become an elective and can be satisfied with any course of your choice. * Current students (started prior to Fall 2024) will still see this requirement reflected on SOLUS, but as a workaround, one of your electives will be used towards this as a substitute to satisfy the requirement.
To be clear, you may still take Capstone courses if you choose to; it is just no longer required to complete your degree.
As of Fall 2024, MATH 110 will no longer be sufficient to satisfy prerequisites or corequisites for courses requiring CISC 102 (e.g., CISC 124, CISC 203, CISC 204, CISC 332, etc.). This change affects incoming 1st year students only. For upper-year students who are following previous versions of our plans (started prior to Fall 2024), we will honour your plan definitions as outlined, and will accept MATH 110 as a prerequisite. If you run into error messages when registering for your courses due to this requirement change, email us at with a screenshot, your student number, and your request and we’ll be happy to assist you.
CISC 102 was previously listed in the Academic Calendar as part of the mathematics requirements for most of our plans. This has changed in that CISC 102 is now a required core 1st year course and will now appear in the same requirement section as CISC 121 and 124 on our plans in the Academic Calendar. This change has virtually no impact on students because nearly everyone takes CISC 102. The only differences are that 1) CISC 102 appears in a different place under the plan requirements, and 2) there are no other course alternatives to CISC 102 for students starting Fall 2024 or thereafter.
*There is a limit of 6.0 units of courses from Faculties outside of Arts and Science that can be used towards your Computing degree.
16-November-2023 – Expiry of CIPS Accreditation for SODE and CSCI Specializations
The School of Computing has opted to not renew CIPS accreditation for the Software Design and Computer Science Specializations. For more details, and to find out how this impacts your degree, please visit the Expiry of CIPS Accreditation page.
The University calendars are now available online. Consult them for all information on degree plan requirements and course descriptions. There are occasional errors, which we will correct here when we find them.
Upcoming Events
1st Year Plan Selection and Upper Year Plan Change Webinar
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM (EST) via Teams
Our degree plans have gotten a modular makeover! Join your Undergraduate Chair, Dr. Yuanzhu Chen, and Academic Advisors, Karen Knight and Erin Gunsinger, to learn how our revised plans will add flexibility to your academic career planning. Advisors from Arts and Science will be on hand to answer general questions about modular plans and the selection or change process. We will also hold an anonymous Q&A period at the end of the presentation to address your questions and concerns.
This session will be recorded. Cameras and microphones will be disabled. Chat will be enabled, but please use the Q&A feature to ask questions.
Past Events
Modular Degree Info Sessions
with Arts and Science
View the recording of Associate Dean (Academic), Jenn Stephenson, as she presents the newly-approved Modular Degree Framework. Get answers to your questions about these upcoming changes to degree plans, how they do or don't affect students, and how they'll be rolled out over the coming academic year.
1st Year Summer Orientation Webinar
July 16th, 2024
7:00 - 8:00 PM (EST)
This session is designed for incoming first year students in the Bachelor of Computing Program. It will walk students through the different Degree Plan Options specific to Computing, as well as the opportunities and options available in the School of Computing (research, thesis, volunteering in labs, internship, professional certification, etc.) It will cover which CISC and MATH courses to choose as well as provide some information on the academic cycle – what happens in first year and when (December exams, mid-year grades, final grades, Plan selection, other important dates), next steps, future years and where to go for information and advice as a first year student. Following the session, we will allow time for Q&A.
Links and Resources
- Computing Plans - Tree Chart - Visually groups our plans and shows how they are/aren't related.
- Computing Plans - Pie Charts - A visual comparison of the differences between the Major, Major/Minor, and Specializations.
- 1st Year Guide (current as of 11-Jul-24)
- CISC 121 Readiness Self-Assessment
- Enrolment FAQ
- 2024-25 Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar Archives